Dec. 18th after 8:30 Mass we will be decorating St Mary Church for Christmas. Dec. 17th and 20th at 11 AM we will be decorating at St Joseph. PLEASE help if you can.
Please pick an ornament off the giving tree, wrap and return with your ornament. There is a box for loose pairs of socks also. We need everything back by Dec. 15th for the facility Christmas parties.
10 AM - Since it has been almost 3 years since we have been able to receive the body AND the blood separately, we have lost most of our Eucharistic Ministers. If you are able to help, our Lord would appreciate it! We will have a training at St Joseph so you can see how easy it is. We hope to get enough people so we can be blessed with doing it once every 6 weeks.
9 AM - Saturday, November 19th from 9 AM to 1 PM. Please bring your rakes, clippers, edgers, leaf blowers, buckets and any other outdoor tools you think will be helpful. Coffee, tea and donuts as well as a sack lunch will be provided by the Parish Women's Association. Don't forget to dress for the weather!
5:30 AM - It's back!! Sunday, Nov. 20that 5:30 PM. Bingo starts at 6:00. All are welcome! Prizes include turkeys, hams and cash. Cards are $2 each. Refreshments will be served. See you there! Sponsored by KofC 1758
You are invited to the first ever cookie exchange! Bake 2-3 dozen cookies and bring them to St Francis Parish Hall at 2:00 PM along with the recipes. Then go home with some different cookies and recipes!
St Joseph Parish Women’s Association (also known as Altar Society) would like to extend a big thank you to everyone for your donations, setup and cleanup help, and hard work of so many people throughout the past months to make this year’s Holiday Bazaar a success. We had a great weekend for our bazaar with the first blessing of some nicer weather. It was our best ever and we look forward to giving a large portion of our proceeds of to the church and the school when the final total is known.
We have a unique opportunity to purchase religious items hand carved from olive wood from Bethlehem. These items will be available after ALL masses Sept. 17/18. The proceeds are to support Christian Catholic families in the Holy Land since it is the major source of income for them there. More than 75 families in Bethlehem hand carved these items. These consist of Nativities, Crucifixes, Rosaries and Statues. Some with relics from the Holy Land. If you need more information contact Khaled Jaraysa 360-227-3253.
Sixty Seven years ago, the national St Paul Street Evangelization was formed. This is a street ministry where you can share your faith, & pray for others. We have been doing this at the Farmer's Market this summer. There is simple training, including "watching' what we do. Contact Mary at 360-508-8024 if interested in learning more. For information and online school & resources go to our website at
We are looking to hire 2 or 3 pianists to assist with music at St Joseph & St Mary. This would include playing the weekend masses, funerals and weddings. Please contact the office at 360-748-4953 or email if interested.
A big THANK YOU to Knights of Columbus, St Joseph School Parents Club, PWA and our wonderful parishioners who gave donations to make our new sitting wall possible! It is now in the process of being built as our goal was reached the day the contractors started. You should be able to see the finished project by the 4th of July weekend. Amazing how the Holy Spirit works!
Parish Women's Association's summer project is to replace the old flower boxes outside of the parking lot entrance to the church with a beautiful stone wall. Please help out if you can. Let's all own a piece of the wall.
FREE family clothing of all kinds, books, toys, small appliances, tools, blankets, kitchen items, shoes, etc. Open from 10 AM to 1 PM on Thursdays. We also take clean, usable donations. (no electronics please).
Having a hard time surfing through our website (or any others)? Send your name and email address to and you will be contacted when date and time is set up.